Well, jana (June26) tuliandika story juu ya mwanamke mmoja mKenya
aliyejitambulisha kuwa ni promota anayeishi Ujerumani anayeitwa Ashley
Toto, ambaye aliandika status katika ukurasa wake wa facebook akimponda Cash Money Brother Prezzo
na kumpa misumari ya moto ikiwa ni pamoja na kusema Prezzo hana cash ya
kutosha na anawezeshwa na wanawake. Hapo ndipo alitajwa Diva (japo
hakumtaja kwa jina) na kusema alimgharamia kila kitu Prezzo alipokuja
Tanzania ili tu aonekane naye au kwa lugha nyingine ‘kujipendekeza’
(maneno yangu).
Sasa Diva Loveness Love “The Bawse” mtangazaji wa Clouds FM
hajachukua muda mrefu kujibu baada ya kuisoma story hiyo hapa Bongo5.
Diva amemjibu Ashley Toto kupitia twitter, wait a minute! kabla
sijakuwekea alichomjibu Toto kwanza nikujuze kuwa amefanya Interview na
rapcellency Prezzo, ametweet kuwa atai upload leo, is it to say the
dude is in the city (Dar) already ?? tutayajua hayo tukishaisikia hiyo
Interview ambayo nahisi itakuwa na majibu ya mambo mengi kuhusu drama
zilizoishajitokeza hapa katikati…….by the way na Huddah anaingia Dar
kesho Ijumaa (jiongeze kujua sababu za mimi kugusia ujio wake hapa!)
Well, back to the story.
Diva Loveness Love baada ya kuisoma habari ya promota huyo mKenya aishiye Ujerumani hapa bongo 5,
alitweet kumjibu Toto kuhusiana na Prezzo aliyemshutumu kuwezeshwa na
wanawake ili kulinda image yake na kumsema Diva alimgharamikia Prezzo
alipokuja Tanzania ili aonekanane naye, haya ndiyo majibu ya Diva…..
-@DivaTheBawse: Duh… That woman who is busy dissing @AMB_Prezzo I
feel sorry for you. Matter of fact u need to get yo facts right. Shame
-“you know. She is crazy. He is The CMB. I just lol’d after that story, saw it @bongofive and I was like whaaat lmaoo!”.
- I just saw the story late as I was at the village. Back in town and am like Owkay. This woman man, she is insane!. Wtf
- Lol. Prezzo is The President. She nids to leave him alone , she is a hater ”
- You give some to prezzo? Does it make sense guys? How hard he need so called money? Has she ever thought the meaning of CMB?
-Been told I just gave Prezz some what?! Hahaa … Talking really is cheap. Muacheni @AMB_Prezzo plizzz. #President truly is a trend setter
- I just saw the story late as I was at the village. Back in town and am like Owkay. This woman man, she is insane!. Wtf
- Lol. Prezzo is The President. She nids to leave him alone , she is a hater ”
- You give some to prezzo? Does it make sense guys? How hard he need so called money? Has she ever thought the meaning of CMB?
-Been told I just gave Prezz some what?! Hahaa … Talking really is cheap. Muacheni @AMB_Prezzo plizzz. #President truly is a trend setter
- Had interview wit @AMB_Prezzo will Upload it tomorrow thou!. #Cloudsfm #AlaZaRoho #DivaTheBawse thank you
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