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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Diva wa Clouds fm amevunja ukimya wa kile kinacho daiwa kapigwa chini na CMB prezzo


Leo Diva wa Clouds fm amevunja ukimya wa kile kinachoendelea kujiuliza vichwani mwa watu wengi wa east africa juu ya yeye na CMB prezzo hatma yao, Hebu fuatilia makala hii fupi aliyoitoa yeye mwenyewe kwenye mtandao wake. “Okay now that some bloggers blog about me and Prezzo and Prezzo kuwa womanizer …Prezzo this and that ..blah blah blah OGAWD.

guys Prezzo is the President……….he is grown man and labda hamumjui au hamjawahi kaa nae au kuzungumza nae but trust me he is such a sweetheart, he is a very good guy and he is one of the best.

am lucky maybe ….. but am close to him and we talk a lot A LOT kila wakati and God created him for a Very special Purpose. and …………. whatever ts btn me and him ts btn me and him ….and we are good. very very good. Okie…

Part of me supporting Huddah Okay ….. I Supported huddah because she is one of us and kama mnavyoona all that hate for her online … come on now, she deserve better and that one guys i admit…

but acheni kukuza na kuzusha vitu ambavyo hata havipo au hata kama vipo hamna hata uhakika navyo , u guys fronting over what a Picture??? lol….WHATEVER Mayne am good lol.

PART OF ME HATING PREZZO.i will never hate Prezzo, never ever ….will never hate Prezzo no matter what, he is my hero and my confident and he makes me happy i admit, he makes me laugh yaani , kabisa yaani hamjui tu…he makes me smile and thats the weakness in me and if he is dating Huddah or Victoria Kimani Or sijui nani nini nini ….

i wish him all the best, he has my blessings,if he is dating whoever anaetaka m date he has my blessings coz jamani hamjui tu , he is just THE MAN Tena African asa maneno ya nini???lmaoo………. okie back ON The PREZ….WELL….he is a great father and a great man ambae any woman ata wish kuwa nae, once u get to know him you will never hate Prezzo and THAT is one thing for sure.

so noisy maker With all the BS…LMAOO And some of My friends and etc ambao think i dont care about Prezzo coz of the way nilivyo na kutoonyesha kujali about him as siko sad wala nini ..okie straight face now buddies …………..okie, the truth is i do Care about him and i want him to be happy…if he is happy am happy Mengine Tumuachie BABA NA MAMA but We are good and very close than u guys cud ever imagine.

he is such a phenomenal man and nothing can change that i guarantee that to you. whatever was btn us….we never kissed, we never went any far tulikuwa more of a lovey Dovey than more than sex buddies….so nuff with the assumptions……..ermmm sijatoswa na any in my life sijawahi so next tme get your facts right b4 blogging shit and part ya kumtosa na kumpiga kibuti mtu online sijawahi thats all a lie …

iknow bloggers mnalipwa kwa ile kuwa na viewers wengi but come on now …basi u can atleast do it in a very Professional way…………..sio uzushi na tittle kubwa na mibichwa yenu hio..mxiuuuuuu… end up looking like a psycho lol……for what?? sponsors au ? thats cheap lmaoo…get well soon.


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